A12: In A V4 Materials Quandary? Solutions Through Collaboration
A diverse panel of experts in sustainable design worked together to navigate specification writing and meeting the contractor’s documentation requirements for compliance with the LEED v4 Low Emitting materials credit and the Materials and Resources Building Product Disclosure and Optimization credits. Please feel free to use our resources.
- 000000-Text for LEED v4.doc
- 018113-sustainable design requirements-LEEDv4.doc
- 074210-aluminum composite material panels-LEEDv4.doc
- 096800-carpeting-LEED v4.doc
- Elements of an EPD.pdf
- LEED v4 Product Data Submittal Reporting Form Final.xlsx
- Low VOC quick guide.pdf
- Substitution Request Form.doc
- Tip Sheet.pdf
- Google Spreadsheet – EDPs and HPDs Tracking
Download all LEED v4 Session Resources as one zipped package (excluding Google Spreadsheet.)
If you have any questions about this resource or if you would like to request a resource, please contact us.